Deeply liberating two-day seminar
Hundreds of thousands of people from all backgrounds and cultures have already experienced the miracle of their body’s innate healing power and completely liberated themselves from longstanding physical and emotional issues.
Emotional Wellbeing, Stress and Anxiety Healing, Physical Health, Healthy Relationships, and much, much more…
In just two days you can transform your life and set yourself free!
The 2-day Journey Intensive has been carefully designed to reveal your full inner potential and help you discover how to harness your body’s own extraordinary healing power.
During the three days you’ll be able to release deep emotional blocks, disempowering beliefs, limiting vows and other unhealthy conditioning. You’ll learn how through past traumas the body becomes imprinted with negative ‘cell memories’ and, most importantly, you’ll learn how your body can organically release the past and fully heal.
Using the deeply transforming process work using The Journey Method, you’ll leave the event free to enjoy more peace of mind, experience greater joy of being, feel whole and fulfilled in your self, and begin to live from your deepest potential of love, not fear.
As a Journey Intensive Graduate you will also qualify to attend many of The Journey’s advanced level courses and retreats.
Why are people attending The Journey Intensive?
We live in strange and confusing times. As a society we have more affluence than ever, yet so many of us experience an emptiness and longing, or dissatisfaction, or meaninglessness and we are looking for new and innovative answers to life’s problems.
So people come to The Journey Intensive for a host of reasons. Many feel stuck in their lives, and feel as if they’re held back from achieving their full potential. Some come to finally resolve relationship or family issues that have impacted their lives, to address health and well-being issues, or to resolve issues with fears or low self-esteem. Many come to find a way to finally clear depression, which is so common today. Others want to connect deeper with their inner self and are looking for spiritual advancement and liberation.
Whatever your personal life challenges, no matter what techniques you have previously tried, The Journey Intensive can help you become healthier, happier, more fulfilled, more connected with yourself and others, and free to live life as you choose. You will be able to:
- Clear out unhealthy cell memories
- Leave your past behind
- Connect with your true inner self
- Heal from emotional or physical issues
- Rewrite your destiny from a brand new sense of liberation and inner peac
“The Journey has profound healing results…”
The Journey Process developed by Brandon Bays is a deceptively simple technique that facilitates emotional and physical self-healing in the shortest possible time. It can be learned and applied by anyone almost immediately, yet is able to catalyze profound healing results even after other modalities have been tried and failed. I would recommend The Journey Process wholeheartedly to anyone.
~ Ian Watson, Co-Founder of The Lakeland College for Homeopathy; Author of ‘A Guide to the Methodologies of Homeopathy’
“It gives you courage and allows you to face your fears…”
The journey experience is more than simply an experience. It is transformational. It connects you with your inner core and it allows you to be strong in the face of fear. It gives you courage and is such a positive tool that you want to share the experience with loved ones.
~ Louise Sanda, Accredited Journey Practioner in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
“If everyone did the Journey Intensive we could heal the world…”
Everyday in my office I witness deep, lasting transformation. I see people freeing themselves from bouts of depression, allergies, anxiety, grief, low self-esteem, debilitating mood disorders and physical ailments such as blood pressure, IBS, migraines – even cancer!
~ Marie-Sylvie Roy, Journey Practitioner.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re struggling with any kind of physical issue or emotional shutdown, the Journey Intensive can help. Or maybe you feel there’s more to life and you’re not using your full potential. If you feel stuck and unable to make the change you need, the Journey Intensive seminar will help you get to the root cause of what’s been holding you back on every level – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
It’s NOT for you if you’re looking for a quick and easy fix without having to face the truth. The Journey Intensive seminar is for lovers of truth who want to liberate their lives from the emotional baggage they’ve been carrying for too long.
The Journey Intensive is unlike any seminar you’ve ever attended. It’s designed to reveal personal emotional and physical blockages that have held you back in your life and caused you shutdown or illness. You’ll clear out the root cause and come to a liberating forgiveness – of both yourself and others.
The personal, powerful Journey process you’ll experience was born directly from Brandon Bay’s own experience of healing from a tumour. The Journey method she developed enables you to access deeply held memories at a cellular level – and teaches you how to resolve and let go of stored issues.
Emotions are not simply chemicals in the brain. They’re electrochemical signals that affect the chemistry and electricity of every cell in the body. The body’s electrical state is modulated by emotions that change the world within the body.
Candace Pert, chief of brain biochemistry at the National Institutes of Health, made a breakthrough discovery that changed the way scientists understand the mind-body connection. She found the opiate receptor – the mechanism by which a class of chemicals (peptides) alters the mind and body. Her research led her to an understanding of the way emotions function as a regulatory system in the body.
At a neurological level, Pert found the feeling of being connected with God, of feeling blessed, is an important part of brain function. “Blessing and bliss come from the same root. We are hard wired to be in bliss. It’s normal and it’s natural,” she says.
The naturally occurring ‘bliss chemicals’ are called endorphins, and they’re released in the brain and body in response to emotional states and physical activities. Pert says “The opiate receptor…. is in our frontal cortex, the most advanced part of our brains. It’s like we’re designed to make choices around pleasure. The very highest, most intelligent part of our brain is drenched in receptors to make us use pleasure as a criterion for our decisions. So it’s okay to feel good – God is good.”
Pert continues, “We know that the vibration in these receptors mediates, or leads, to the whole organism feeling bliss. … that endorphin vibration is really the bliss of union and divine union.” So when we create that kind of resonance internally, we’re in line with that divine self. True bliss represents an optimal state of functioning.
No problem at all. We’ve set up a payment plan that allows you to pay in three easy instalments.
If you’re still not sure whether the Journey Intensive is for you, please download the Journey audio book here:
- Part 1: Your Invitation to Freedom: “Come to the Edge!”
- Part 2: Uncovering Old Cell Memories: Clearing Out the “Old Stuff” that’s Holding You Back
- Part 3: The Science Behind Cellular Healing: How to Get in Touch with Your Body Wisdom to Heal Completely
- Part 4: Know Whatever Comes to You Unexpectedly to be a Gift From God
It’s absolutely free and will help you understand how the method works, and how you can use it to improve your emotional and physical health.
- On day 1 you experience an Emotional Journey process that will help you access and release repressed cell memories.
- On day 2 you undergo a Physical Journey process and access the healing power within your own body. The process is the same one that freed Brandon from her tumour – without the need for surgery or medication.
- On day 3 you’ll learn advanced skills for healing that you can use in your everyday life. They’ll help you come to a deep forgiveness on a cellular level.
You can also use these tools to help your friends, family and clients, once the seminar is over.
We have translations for most languages. However, please check the details of desired Journey Intensive seminar before booking your seat or ask for your language to be included via
All we ask is that you come with an open heart, trust that healing is available to you, and be willing to face the truth. Your body can heal – and by attending the seminar has already made the decision to undergo deep transformation. So just show up.
The Journey Intensive has already helped thousands of people suffering with various physical illnesses and given profound results. However, we’d like to point out that there are no guarantees your healing will take place. Every body is different and each and every one of us is on a different journey. It’s best to come with trust, openness and the willingness to explore without expectations.
Accommodation and meals are not included in the price of The Journey Intensive seminar.
Upcoming Journey Intensive seminars

04 – 06 April 2025: SPANISH 3 Day Journey Intensive ONLINE with Brandon Bays, Co-presented by Lydia Hoyland
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26 February – 02 March 2025 Bundle: IN-PERSON Retreats – 2 Day Journey Intensive & Conscious Abundance – EXCLUDES Accommodation & INCLUDES Meals
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